Behind with my emails and answering comments
Posted by Fiona Nevile in Cottage tales | 6 comments
Photo: Inca just 7 weeks old
It’s either writing a post or answering comments and emails this evening. As the latter have built up over the last few days they must take priority.
I went to the seaside with Seraphina today and we ate huge crab salads and looked out over the harbour of Wells by the Sea. We had driven to Fakenham, to consult a specialist orthopaedic vet as one of her dogs has problems with his back.
The scans would take six hours so we motored to the sea. It felt very strange to be lolling about doing nothing. Meanwhile the prognosis was better than expected for my canine friend.
Perhaps it was all the sea air but I feel exhausted this evening.
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Hi Odelle
The photo of Inca was the night that we brought her home – just 7 weeks old and already barking!
Seraphina’s pug responded well to treatment but the condition cannot be cured so it’s a matter of when he is no longer enjoying life, I’m afraid.
That driving journey for crab sounds horrendous. Poor you. Knowledge of car mechanics could be handy in these straightened times! I’m the youngest daughter too and longed to be a boy – they seemed to have so much more freedom and fun..
Hi,Ah,what a little gem Inca looks, tiny beautiful,pleased that she’s now a ‘chunky’ min pin.
Please pass on my regards to Seraphina and her poorly pug,pleased that the results of the scans appear to be good. It’s awful when a much loved pet is sick,I wish her a full recovery.
Oooh fresh crab salad in the sea air,how wonderful,best way to eat it….saying that I still could demolish crab anytime!
I remember when I was learning to drive,my father would insist I drive to Staithes near Whitby,down a awful winding road to collect fresh crabs bought off the fishermen when the boats came in,a long time ago yet I remember it well,it’s embedded in my memory,my father didn’t have the best of tempers,so I would ‘dread it’ when I knew we were in for a run out to Staithes,a beautiful tiny fishing village(well it was then),to me it was the ‘demon drive’,arrive there, stretch my legs,calm my nerves ready for the journey back,no time to sight see,straight back home for the wooden crate full of crabs to be scrubbed clean, boiled in batches,then frsh crab for Sunday Tea!
Wonderful, the seafood, yet spoiled by that awful journey,I soon learned to drive though,wouldn’t like to repeat that process again thankyou.
Ah the delights of being the youngest of four daughters!……..Oooh I don’t think so,think I was hoped to be a boy,then there was the ‘car repairs’,shudder at the thought,that’s another story……
Hi Toffeeapple
Seraphina’s pugs are gentle, loving creatures. They also swim in the sea when she holidays on The Isle of White!
Yes, fingers crossed that he gets well soon.
My sister-in-law always has pugs, and every one of them has been been sweet natured. I hope Seraphina’s dog gets well soon.
Hello Toffeeapple
Yes Inca was teeny when we brought her home. She is now quite a chunky Min Pin.
Seraphina’s dog is a very sweet natured pug – I don’t have a photo.
Yes, you can’t beat eating seafood beside the sea.
The prognosis was much better than expected for my friendly pug pal. It’s scary when pets get ill.
That is such a tiny dog!
I envy you the crab salad, it tastes so much better by the sea don’t you think?
I hope the prognosis is good for the little one.