The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Delicious crispy potatoes transformed from cold left over spuds

Crispy fried potatoes with green vegetables and chicken and ham

Crispy fried potatoes with green vegetables and chicken and ham

We are going through a craze of eating Rooster potatoes at the moment. These are red skinned and extremely floury. The trick with Roosters is to wash them but not to peel them. The skin stops the spuds breaking up in the saucepan and can be easily peeled off before serving if you have time on your hands. Even the skin of a Rooster potato is tasty so there’s no prinky peeling here at the cottage.

Last weekend I discovered that D had a lot of cold, boiled leftover Rooster potatoes. The perfect excuse for making these fried potatoes. They are not as fatty as they sound, they are fried in a little olive oil and garlic very gently for an hour. I use garlic granules for this dish as they don’t become brown and bitter in the pan. Somehow the fat doesn’t soak into the flesh too much. It’s important to give the potato slices enough room in the pan so that they can be flipped over easily. We generally use two sauté pans for these. This recipe makes enough for four normal people or two greedy people (guess which category we fall into?).

These are delicious with cold meat and and green vegetables.

Delicious slow fried crispy potatoes recipe

6 medium cold boiled potatoes
2 tbls of olive oil
2 tsp of garlic granules
Salt and pepper to taste

Slice the cooked potatoes into 7mm rings
Heat the olive oil in two sauté pans gently and turn the knob to the lowest heat setting – secret trick
Add the potato slices and turn them carefully to coat the flesh in olive oil
Sprinkle the upside of potato slices with the garlic granules and salt and pepper to taste
Leave the heat on the ring at the lowest setting and after fifteen minutes flip the slices over. Leave for 15 minutes before turning over again. Continue until the potatoes have been slowly crisping for at least an hour in total, checking every now and then to make sure that they don’t burn.

N.B. My mother was given this recipe when she was living in Germany. The trick to their crispy deliciousness is in the long cooking time and the low temperature. If you try to hurry them they don’t taste the same at all.

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  1. Hi there Fiona

    I am assuming that you are buying your Rooster potatoes, but I have recently found out that you can buy these as seed potatoes to plant yourself. Cannot remember which catalogue I saw them in – I was just browsing with a degree of sorrow – we are hoping to sell our house in the near future and it is not worth planting many vegetables. Anyway, I shall enjoy reading yours and other blogs about home produce, and will be out in the countryside foraging in earnest!!

  2. veronica

    … wonders what this would be like with duck fat, of which I have a whole jar lurking in the fridge …

  3. Michelle in NZ

    Mmmmm, already cooked spuds then cooked slowly in a good pan with olive oil are seasonless, and utterly delicious. The slow cooking over a gentle heat is the secret – just like for cooking daecent sausages!!!

    love and happy cooking from the 1/4 Irish (and about the same amount of Scottish) Michelle.

    Any Black Pudding lurking about for cooking up???

  4. Definately one to try. xxx

  5. Heather E

    My OH never, ever, boils just enough potatoes for one meal. It is always the whole bag! So there is a constant supply of cold boiled new potatoes for snacking on or re-cooking. We very often sautee them and have found that we can get an enormous variety of end results through experimenting with time and temperature, and also just by cutting them into different shapes. He favours chunks, I favour slices, thin but not too thin. Best done with olive oil and finished off with a sprinkle of sea salt. Mmmm.

  6. I’m so going to have to try this for several of reasons, all of which involve my Stevie. He grew up in Germany, he loves fried potatoes, and he wanted to try potato chips out of my Country Living magazine recently and I had to put my foot down (over the waste of oil). But 2 Tbsps of olive oil we can handle!

  7. Mrs Green @ my zero waste

    these sound delicious; thanks for sharing. I’ve been eagerly waiting your secret formula since I saw the photo of them the other day!

    I’m going to try these on top of the wood burner in a heavy-based pan to try and conserve some energy 😉

    Thanks for the ‘long time, low heat’ tip – I make a similar thing, but I tend to cook them a bit quicker and with left over jacket potatoes which I slice, so I’m looking forward to doing a comparison…

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