The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

R.I.P Baby




It was only a day or so ago that we were talking about Baby – our diminutive cockerel. The tiny rooster that never really grew up. Bullied by the rest of the flock he moved permanently into The Emerald Castle. A solitary life that he so clearly loved away from the rasp of sharp beaks and fear. He grew a little, put on weight and started preening himself. But he never was able to crow like the big boys.

I knew that something was wrong this morning when he didn’t appear in the Castle grounds. He was always eager for his morning corn – pressed up against the metal netting strutting back and forth.

I scattered the corn around the rest of the run before I took a peek inside The Castle. Baby was dead – small eyes closed and head outstretched.

Even though we suspected that his life would be short – he suffered from a sort of petit mal and would often close his eyes and flop – it was a shock.

I loved this little bird. Knew that I shouldn’t let myself get too fond of him.  

I crawled under the duvet with Inca and wept for my little friend and the joy that he’d given me every day.

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  1. Oh Fiona, I’m so sorry.

    I’m sorry when all my chickens die (they’re all pets that lay eggs, with names and everything. We haven’t moved on to meat birds yet) but there are always the extra special ones. Dandelion and Mabel in this house…

    Remember what a difference you made to his life.

  2. Oh dear, poor Baby. At least you were able to make his life more comfortable and less frightening.

    I cry when I lose my chickens too.

  3. Caroline

    Hi Fiona

    we’re so sorry to hear about little Baby, he was such a sweet little chook the short time he was with us, from egg!

    But I know you filled his life with happiness, treats and cuddles- what a lucky little cockerel.

    Caroline x

  4. I was so sorry to read about Baby. In the past when you realised he was being bullied you reacted sensitively by separating him from the others and we gave three cheers. His little life was made better overnight. You are a very caring owner.
    Wendy x

  5. RIP Baby, and big hugs to you and Danny.

  6. Your loss is felt. Baby was well cared for and you were sweet to care for him.

  7. So sorry to hear your sad news about Baby, I am sure that he had a fantastic life with you and that he will always have a place in your hearts, lots of hugs to youself and Danny xx

  8. Shereen

    I’m so sorry to hear that, Fiona.

  9. Cherami

    It’s always sad when anything passes on to the next world. You did the best you could for the boy in your flock and I am sure in his own way he thanked you.

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