The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Apologies for the break in transmission


Photo: View of the herbaceous border

Photo: View of the herbaceous border

Yesterday morning I pottered downstairs to fetch a cup of tea and befuddled with sleep had forgotten that the sitting room had been cleaned and cleared. It was a wonderful shock.

Yes, Jean and I are still sorting and clearing. We’ve moved into the garden now. Smart Wife used to ‘clean’ her tiny Chelsea garden – and now I understand what she means.

Little piles of pots seem to breed into bigger piles of pots. Shaggy hedging and lawn edging make a garden look messy. Stray bags of compost have attracted other bags. Weeds have popped up in unexpected places.

But the recent rain has greened the grass and the dahlias are stunning. I’m thrilled with the extended herbaceous cutting borders.

Many apologies for the break in transmission but all waking hours have been spent polishing inside and out. As this afternoon Lynn Keddie is coming to photograph the garden. The Wednesday shoot begins at 6 am. Last October she photographed the kitchen garden – this visit she has the run of the entire garden.

The photo above is what Lynn will see when she opens the back door today.

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  1. Kirsten

    What a delightful blog you have – I am so happy I found it. So much information and such inspiration. I pretty much fell of the chair laughing when I read the Car Bomb episode… sorry Danny…

  2. Good Morning, what a beautiful view, that would make an excellent picture, framed and hung on the wall where I can see it daily, especially through the colder months (sorry to spoil it by mentioning what’s to come!)lol.
    You should be so proud of the garden, nature in all it’s glory, well done, look forward to more photo’s.
    Hope the photo shoot went well,opening the door and being greeted with such beauty, cannot fail to impress, you’ve inspired me, thankyou, just need a couple of months before I can contemplate starting on my house(full of junk!), my Son says exactly the same, if you have a good clearout Mum,You’ll feel so much better!Where do I start though? I wish I didn’t feel the need to keep things, must be some deeply hidden reason why I feel the need to hoard! Far to sentimental for my own good.
    I shall now proceed to read earlier posts on clearing out the clutter!
    My excuse is too much to do, what with baking, gardening,where will I find the time? See excuses already just thinking of chucking the junk!

  3. Jean Damgaard

    The garden looks wonderful, well done. How did the photoshoot go?

  4. Tamar@StarvingofftheLand

    So the lesson here is that I don’t have to clean a damned thing until a talented photographer decides that our premises are worth photographing. That, or hell freezes over.

    Whew! I was afraid you were starting something.

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