The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Computer problems stop play

menacing forkWhen a computer runs well it is sweet.

I’ve discovered that my beautiful laptop is infected with a nasty germ. Don’t worry, it is contained and as you read this message horrible little grommets are not travelling down the wires to infect you too.

I have been working all evening to remove the intruders from my laptop. So no post this evening. Apologies.

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  1. Fiona, hopefully all will be cleaned up and you back online soon.

  2. Diane Epps

    Touch wood I have managed to avoid the blue screen of death but I have had other disastrous crashes so you have my deepest sympathy. Hope you are up and running again soon.

  3. Oh no! A couple of PC’s ago I got the Chernobyl virus, it wiped the whole hard drive out. Worse still, having got everything sorted out and reloaded, 12 months later it happened again. Can you fix this yourself? I’m useless a fixing these type of problems.

  4. Sorry about computer. I have suffered the “blue screen of death” not a particularly nice fate, however, computer ended up in big rubbish tip. Hope yours better soon!

  5. So sorry to hear of your computer problem. I live in dread of catching a virus on mine or getting that awful blue screen of death. Glad that you have got it all sorted out now and things can get back to normal. x

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