The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Fantasy Gallery

I’ve always been interested in art. Our summers as teenagers were not spent on the beach – but in Paris. Where we spent most of our holiday in galleries. Trips to London would include time spent in The Academy and the National Gallery. When I lived in London I’d regularly visit galleries – The Tate was a particular favourite.

Deep down inside me was a gallery director wanting to get out. Now with the power of the internet I can create a virtual gallery. A collection of works of art from all over the world. Over the past few days I’ve been designing a gallery for the blog. This will take quite a long time to create as I enjoy looking at works of art from the 14th Century to the present day. I also want to write about them too.

I have been assisted by the patient webmaster from the superb art website Easyart. Getting the picture feeds from this site meant writing new code. A lot of head scratching later I have finally finished my first page. So if you’d like a sneak preview of a teeny wall of my gallery click here.

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  1. Great picture above, there is something new every time you look at it. Your link to the gallery seems not to be working though. I love the idea and look forward to seeing more.

  2. Fiona Nevile

    Thanks Tamara I’ve updated the link.

  3. we had the pleasure of living in den haag (the hague) for a year and were just around the corner from the escher museum.
    i never tired of going or taking visitors.

  4. I love MC Escher. When I was a kid, my older brother had a black light poster of an MC Escher print. It was already pretty trippy but the black light put it over the top!

    In any case, it created a life-long fan. I just had an argument with my husband of why Escher was greater than Dali. Escher won.

  5. I love Escher too. We have ‘reptiles’ as a jigsaw which really makes you appreciate how clever he is.

  6. Toffeeapple

    I adore Escher! I went to Art College in Newport, Gwent and was heavily into Modigliani, Turner and van Gogh. Still am in fact. I really should pick up my paint brushes again, perhaps in spring when the world is prettier.

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