The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Meme: 6 random things about me

Inca and carol.jpgI have been tagged by Compostwoman at The Compostbin to share 6 random things about me.

Tag Rules:

Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on the blog. Write six random things about yourself. Tag six people at the end of your post. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

I like being tagged. It resolves the question – what shall I write about tonight? For some bloggers it lifts the veil of mystery. After nearly two years my veil must be in shreds but here goes anyway!

6 random facts about me:

  1. I have small and beautiful feet
  2. My ideal holiday destination is the cottage. I love a week at home.
  3. I only need about six hours sleep a night but savour a stolen morning in bed (breakfast on a tray with the Min Pins and laptop)
  4. The first thing that I think about when I wake up is what we’re going to eat for supper – this drives Danny nuts
  5. I dream about living in a tree house, on sunny days
  6. I have a large collection of crystals

I am tagging six great blogs that are all well worth a visit


Family Shenanigans

Urbania to Stoneheads

Rock Cakes

The Organic Viking

The Domestic Goddess in Training

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Plumsource

    Good point. At breakfast it’s what to eat for supper. At 11 am, what to eat for lunch. At 15.00 hours I’m poking about in the larder for biscuits!

    Hi Compostwoman

    Damson vodka is wonderful. Just a memory for us though until the autumn!

    Hello Casalba

    Small feet are great when it comes to sales and end of lines. However I have to find shoes that make my feet look a bit bigger so as not to get the clover hoof look.

    Hello TCL

    Your ears were impressively small and dainty!

    Hi Pamela

    I have worn children™s shoes in the past as my feet are slim. I have the same problem with gloves!

    Poor you having to model the granny shoes!

    Hi Cherry

    Must be a family trait!

    Hello Kethry

    Meal plans are a great way of keeping one™s hand on the runner. I know that they can be a great way of economising too. Must start doing them too!

    Hello Moonroot

    Always a pleasure to tag you.

    Hi Plumsource

    Thanks for playing!

  2. plumsource

    I’ve done it! Had some fun thinking them up too! Thanks very much for the link.

  3. moonroot

    Ooh a meme – love ’em! Thank you for tagging me, I will rather belatedly get to it…

  4. kethry

    I’d say i wake up thinking what to do for dinner but in all honesty, i meal plan for about a week, if not two, in advance.. but i do know what you mean, there’s something about planning the day in advance that allows you to get things done (like taking things out of the freezer).

    I’ve done my 6 random facts, although i’ve burbled on a lot longer than you have!

    thanks for the tag!


  5. cherry

    Mark thinks about what to have for dinner as soon as he wakes too, I know how Danny feels!

  6. Pamela

    Do you find that people suggest you must be able to buy children’s shoes? I get that alot and then they are really surprised when I say they don’t fit as they are the wrong shape for an adult foot. I take size 3 but have wide feet. Gloves are hard to buy too, the fingers are always too long. When I was in my teens my mother used to take me shoe shopping for my grandmother who lived abroad so I could try the shoes on for her. It was very embarrassing at the time trying on all the granny shoes.

  7. The Chicken Lady

    When next we meet S and I will be demanding a full examination of your feet. In exchange I will let you look at my extraordinarily small ears.

  8. casalba

    I’m a size 8 too. It’s hard – no, it’s impossible to find nice shoes here (or even large horrible ones).

    I’d love a tree house.

    Great random facts – thanks.

  9. Compostwoman

    Oooh I wish I had small feet! ( size 8, me…)

    I have just sampled some Damson Vodka made from recipe on a page on here …mmmmmmmmmm delish!…..

  10. plumsource

    Yikes! I’d better post up something interesting… I liked your random facts. I’m often thinking about what to eat next too – not just in the morning!

    Thanks for the link, I’m extremely flattered. Hope you’re well. x

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