The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Surprise present


Photo: Suky's beautiful card

Photo: Suky's beautiful card

This morning’s hard frost meant that the Min Pins didn’t hear the postman glide up the gravel drive. His visit is usually a daily excuse for barking their heads off and tweaking my eardrums and patience. Because they are small, they yap. Big woofs are fine but high, shrill barks are a bit testing – especially early in the morning.

I also didn’t hear the postman and was surprised to find an exciting envelope on the doormat. When I picked it up it had a crinkly feel. What could it be? Who was it from?

I opened the envelope gingerly. The contents revealed a beautiful handmade card, When I opened it I discovered two exquisite packs of seeds and a tiny handwritten card. I rushed up to The Rat Room to show it to Danny.
“The presentation is wonderful.” He examined the card and its contents carefully. “The seed packets are so dinky.”

Thank you Suky – what a fabulous present. I was even more delighted when I looked up the Amish Paste tomatoes on the Real Seeds site. Just yesterday I realised that we were growing no plum tomatoes this year – panic. These plum tomato giants look such fun. And thank you for the Pomordarino seed too – I adore baby plum tomatoes.

Suky you made my day!


Photo: Dinky seed packets

Photo: Dinky seed packets

Incidentally if like me you like tiny, perfect handmade things check this out – The Worlds Smallest Post Office. When I happened upon this today, I immediately thought of Suky’s inspirational seed packets and teeny tiny note. Somehow the size magnified the effect.

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  1. Ooh, I’m blushing now 🙂 The seed packs are from a link you posted some time back, I just print them out to fit the size of seed I have.
    My previous life was making furniture for adult dollshouse collectors so small is 2nd nature to me,

  2. What a wonderful gift and such a perfect card as well. Fantastic. No wonder you were so thrilled!

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