The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Canine meningitis


Photo: Inca

Photo: Inca

At five yesterday evening the phone rang.
“Hello this is Lara. The results have come back from the spinal tap. Inca has meningitis.”
My head whirled. People die of meningitis.
“Is it treatable?”
“Yes but she has bad meningitis. She needs to stay with us.”
“Is it contagious?”
“No canine meningitis is not infectious. Your other dogs are safe.”

It’s been a bit of a roller coaster ride with Inca – she was deteriorating fast. So she was finally referred to the Animal Health Trust yesterday morning. They are running other bacterial tests on her and the results will be back by the middle of next week. She may have to stay until then. But she is in the best possible hands. Fingers crossed that she responds well to treatment.

Meanwhile the other Min Pins are very piano and the cottage is strangely quiet. They are curled up close beside me on the bed as I write this. We are all missing her bouncy, busy presence.

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  1. jeannie

    I keep thinking of inca. i do hope she is making a speedy recovery xx

  2. Sarah Smith

    Thanks for the update on Inca’s recovery. It is hard to be one pet short in the house.

  3. Bigs hugs Fiona, hope Inca makes a full recovery very soon. x x x

  4. Fiona Nevile

    Hello Everyone

    Thank you so much for leaving such heartwarming comments, it’s much appreciated. I hadn’t realised how much this little dog had got under my skin. It’s so quiet without her.

    We decided not to visit her in the hospital as she would get upset if we came and left her again.
    She is finally stable, off the drip and slowly recovering. She will probably stay at the AHT until Friday so that they can get her medication just right.

    Thank you so much for your support 🙂

  5. jo@littleffarmdairy

    Always such a worry when an animal is ill – unfortunately their limited vocabulary doesn’t help! But at the AHT she is in the very best place for the most professional care available – if anyone can make her well again, they will.

    Take heart; hopefully she will be back home with you again soon.

  6. Nobody likes it when a loved one is in hospital, even the dogs don’t like it. Poor babies, all of you. Hoping that recovery is full and quick!

  7. Shereen

    Get well wishes for Inca. I’ve had a pet go through meningitis and it’s such a worrying thing.

  8. Absolutely seahorse. Visiting your cat in hospital is haertbreaking as they don’t understand why you are leaving without them. Lots of best wishes to Inca for a full recovery.

  9. seahorse

    Nothing worse than being without your pet and wondering if they are coming back. I’ve been there myself with two cats and it’s horrible. Keeping everything crossed x

  10. casalba

    Adding my best wishes to all the above. Get well soon, Inca.

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