The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Non alcoholic drinks: Elderflower and Pink Grapefruit cocktail recipe

Elderflower and pink Grapefruit cocktailDanny was working in the garden yesterday afternoon. Studying the Sunday papers rather than waving a spade about. He wandered into the kitchen.
“What sort of drinks do we have to dilute with water?”
I pointed him in the direction of the Lemon Barley Water. Refreshing – they serve it at Wimbledon after all.

Then I remembered a girlie lunch last summer. The hostess served jugs of a delicious drink. It was a mixture of elderflower cordial and pink grapefruit juice (Robinsons) diluted with water. No one could guess what the ingredients were.

I also remembered that we have this nifty jug that I inherited from my aunt. It has a section in the middle for ice cubes. This chills the drink in the jug, without diluting it, and looks pretty too.

Danny doesn’t like elderflower cordial. When I presented a large jug of this concoction he sampled it suspiciously.
“This is good. Are you sure that it’s non-alcoholic?”

He clearly loved this delicate combination and the jug was drained before the ice cubes had melted. Now D is keen to make our own elderflower cordial this week. I’d love to have a go at making pink grapefruit cordial too. Meanwhile the Robinsons’ cordial will be making its mark.

This cocktail can be mixed in seconds and would be a great standby for a lunch party on a hot summer’s day.

Elderflower and Pink Grapefruit cocktail recipe


  • 50ml of elderflower cordial
  • 50ml of Robinsons’ pink grapefruit cordial
  • 800ml (approx to taste) of chilled, still water


  1. Mix the cordials in a jug, add the water and finally add some ice.

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  1. Lynne

    I have just been to ASDA and they are selling own brand pink grapefruit! Not tried it yet, but thought you would like to know..

  2. bertrand labevue

    Alas all supermarkets, and Robinsons, have ceased production of full-fat pink grapefruit cordial (the no added sugar variant still adorns the shelves and Robinsons does a barley water variant). Sigh. Yet another original drink leaves British shores. Too many people with typically boring British taste driving the market. More orange and blackcurrant cordials, please, we’re British. Well I’m off to Spain where I discovered the remarkable drink caller Horchata. I cannot describe it, but its made from chufa nuts, has a milk-shake-esqe feel to it and is wholly addictive! Theres no way to get it in theUK of course. We’ve even phased out vanilla milkshake (surely if MacD’s continue to serve it, people would buy it in stores, but no). They have it in Spain everywhere, as they do horchata and, most likely, full fat pink grapefruit cordial. I’m emigrating.

  3. Fiona Nevile

    Elderflower cordial in a gooseberry fool sounds masterly. Thanks for dropping by, Freya.

    Rosemary, I will speed out and buy the Waitrose pink grapefruit cordial. Thanks for the tip. What a shame about your elderflower bush. Our bush is quite protected and survived the monsoon. Thanks for making a comment, much appreciated

  4. Rosemary

    I’m addicted to pink grapefruit cordial,I’ve found all of the own brands,Sainsburys,Tesco and especially Waitrose cordials are far superior and much cheaper than Robinsons.Definitely will try with elderflower,unfortunately our huge elder bush which was covered in flowers and I had hopes of making both wine and cordial this year,was beaten down by the bank holiday monsoon,now all the flowers are brown and soggy.

  5. Freya

    What a great idea! I usually use a splash of elderflower cordial in gooseberry fool and the rest of the year it stays in the pantry! I think my husband would love this!

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