The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Slowly getting better


Photo: Inca relaxing on my bed

Photo: Inca relaxing on my bed

“You have been very poorly so recovery will be slow. Eat well, rest a lot and try to do a little more each day without pushing yourself.”
I like my doctor. She’s positive and pretty and laughs at my jokes.

This is my eleventh week off work. I can do a little more each day but feel exhausted most of the time.

But it’s been so good to have time off to reflect and plan and spend a bit more time in the garden, even if it’s just lying on the swing seat reading a book. I’ve also loved having the time to enjoy and experiment with new ways of preserving our harvests.

I’ve got some good recipes in the pipeline too. Tomorrow’s post is for a delicious spiced apple butter. And those mussels rejected by Danny and cooked in lemon and white wine were pretty good too.

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Hi KarenO

    I got a bit of a shock when I worked out the dates too.

    It’s great to be able to play in the kitchen and garden and snoze on the swing seat.

  2. Hi Fiona – glad you’re on the mend but what a long time, I hadn’t realised it was so long. Sometimes our bodies tell us when it’s time to slow down so you must have been pushing yours big time for it to be so cross with you! 🙂

    Glad you’re able to do some nice things though, it’s a bonus when you’re not well, I always think it’s a waste of a day off if I can’t get out of bed even if I wasn’t supposed to be having a day off.

    Lots of love to you both.

  3. Fiona Nevile

    Hi JoannaS

    It is good to have time to reflect. Sometimes life whizzes by so fast it’s difficult to keep up with it.

    Hi Michelle

    The Min Pins are getting very spoilt and expect to spend all their time in bed with me. Now the nights are getting chilly that’s not such a bad thing.

    Hi Amanda

    Yes my doctor is great. I’m very lucky.

    Hi Toffeeapple

    Yes it’s wonderful to be at home. The world of paint and brushes seems a very long way away.

    Hi Veronica

    Yes being ill when self employed is expensive. I’ve never been ill for so long.
    I’m lucky that I can potter for a few hours a day.

    Hello Wendy

    Thank you so much for dropping by.

    Hello Heidi

    Yes it’s great to be able to play in the kitchen and garden.

    Hi Dee

    Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a heartening comment. You made my day.

    Hi KateUK

    I adore mulberries and haven’t eaten one for at least 30 years!

    Hi Jan

    Yes the slow recovery is so frustrating. But I’m enjoying the time to stop and stare and realise that I need to factor much more of that into my schedule when I’m better.

    Hi Casalba

    Yes. All these comments are such a fillip. In fact the blogging has helped get me through this strange time.
    Thanks for leaving a comment.

  4. Get well soon, Fiona.

    What lovely comments from all over the world – that must be quite a tonic. I particularly liked Dee’s message.

    “You are not alone” as your lovely new widget tells us. (Now I’m off to see if I can manage to get that on my site. I get inspiration for all sorts of things here.)

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