The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Halloween sweet treat award

halloweentreat awardHappy Halloween everyone! I was delighted when Sara from Farming Friends sent me this award and I am passing it onto five other bloggers to celebrate the day.

Moonroot at
Primrosie at
KJ at
Leanne at
Pat at

Meanwhile I will be rushing to John’s shop to stock up on sweets just in case. We don’t get many trick or treaters in the village but you never know.

This award was created by Anni at http://www.hootin–

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Sara,

    In the end we didn’t get any trick or treaters. So we are enjoying the sweets ouselves!

    Hi Pat,

    A well desrved award!

  2. Hi! thank you for the award as well! happy halloweeen!

    leanne x

  3. Hi Fiona!! Thanks for the award!!! That is sooooo sweet of you.

  4. farmingfriends

    Hi Fiona, I’m glad that you are pleased. I am making toffee apples today!
    Sara from farmingfriends

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